City of Vantaa procurements

The data includes the purchases of services, materials, supplies and goods by the City of Vantaa since 2012. The dataset includes the purchase invoice information of all the City of Vantaa’s divisions, municipal enterprises and funds. The data has been extracted from the city’s accounting system at the invoice line level, and the data has been supplemented with, for example, the names of organisations and account groups and the suppliers’ business IDs.

The dataset includes the following columns: company, sector and cost centre, posting date, voucher number, account group, account name, account number, supplier’s name, business ID, invoice total in euros, order and partner company.

The data has been placed in categories to facilitate the use of the dataset. The organisation is classified by company (City of Vantaa, municipal enterprise, fund) and by sector. Accounts are classified by account group as follows: purchases of services, personnel services, other expenses, acquisitions of fixed assets and materials, supplies and goods. Suppliers are classified according to the partnership into City Group limited companies and joint municipal authorities as well as external suppliers. The classifications can also be used to view purchases in the data, for example, by supplier and on the account level. The information on sectors and cost centres is incomplete, as completing the information would require going through the individual vouchers.

The data is updated approximately once a month.

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Collection Open Data
Maintainer Vantaan kaupunkistrategian ja johdon toimiala
Maintainer email
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Last modified 13.09.2024
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Created on 02.02.2015